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Formatting Blog Posts Effectively

When it comes to writing blog posts in WordPress, using the right heading tags (H1, H2, H3) isn’t just about aesthetics—it plays a critical role in both SEO and the readability of your content. Let’s dive into why heading tags matter, how to use them effectively, and what to avoid to keep your blog looking clean and professional. If you’re using the Classic Editor within WordPress, you can find these formatting options using the dropdown menu in the top left corner of the text editor, next to the bold, italic and list icons. The default option is normally ‘Paragraph’.

Why Heading Tags Matter for SEO

Search engines, like Google, prioritize content that is well-structured. Heading tags help search engines understand the hierarchy of your content, ensuring that it’s easy to crawl and rank. Each heading level signals importance:

  • H1 is reserved for the main title of your page or post. In WordPress, this is automatically assigned to the page title, so there’s no need to add another H1 inside the content. Using multiple H1s can confuse search engines and dilute the focus of your page.
  • H2 tags should be used for your main subheadings. These are the broad sections that divide your article into different topics.
  • H3 and beyond are for further sub-sections under those main H2 headings.

This structure allows search engines to better understand the flow of your content and, more importantly, it helps users quickly navigate your post.

Best Practices for Using H2 and H3 Tags

  1. Use H2 for Major Sections: Whenever you introduce a new topic or idea in your blog post, use an H2 tag. Think of H2 tags as the chapter titles of a book—each one signals the start of a new, important section.
  2. Use H3 for Supporting Points: If you need to break down a section even further, switch to an H3.
  3. Avoid Skipping Levels: Always keep a logical progression. Jumping from an H2 straight to an H4 can be confusing to search engines. Stick to the hierarchy for clarity.

Why We Reserve H1 for the Page Title

In our WordPress themes, the H1 tag is automatically applied to your post or page title, which is why it’s essential not to add another H1 within the body of your content. This ensures that the main focus of your page is clear to search engines. Using more than one H1 can create confusion about what the page is about, potentially hurting your SEO ranking.

Avoid “Floaty” Text: Why Paragraph Structure Matters

One common mistake when formatting blog posts is creating too many single-line sentences.

The result is “floaty” text. Like this.

Short sentences are great for readability.

However too many single lines can make your content feel disjointed and difficult to follow.

Keep your text organized into clear, coherent paragraphs.

Don’t do this.


Avoid Centered Text: The Case for Left Alignment

Another formatting mistake to avoid is the overuse of centered text. While it can be tempting to use centered text for emphasis or design purposes, large blocks of centered content can be difficult to read and feel “janky.”

Human eyes naturally track from left to right, so center-aligned text disrupts this flow, making it harder for readers to skim through your post.


Left-aligned text is easier on the eyes, keeps your content looking professional, and ensures that users won’t skip over sections because of awkward formatting.


Maintaining Consistency in Fonts, Sizes, colours, and Spacing

One of the easiest ways to elevate your blog’s professionalism is by maintaining consistency in the design choices across your content. While it might be tempting to play around with different fonts, sizes, and colours, keeping a uniform look is key to making your site feel polished and easy to read.

Let’s start with fonts. It’s best to choose one or two fonts that reflect your brand and stick with them. Changing fonts throughout your posts can make your content feel scattered and disjointed. Similarly, consistency in font size is just as important. Headings, subheadings, and body text should have a clear hierarchy, where larger text naturally signals greater importance. All H2 headings, for example, should be the same size, just as all paragraphs should use the same font size for readability—typically between 16px and 18px. If you want to emphasize something, it’s better to use bold or italicized text than to jump around with different sizes or styles.

When it comes to colours, consistency is just as important. Your blog should reflect your brand’s colour scheme, and you’ll want to use those colours throughout for headings, links, and accents. Introducing random colours might seem creative, but it can also confuse readers and detract from the cohesive feel of your website. It’s also crucial to ensure your text colour contrasts well with the background. A good contrast—like dark text on a light background—improves readability and keeps users engaged.

Paragraph spacing and line heights are another area where consistency makes a huge difference. Each paragraph should have equal spacing between them to create a smooth, readable flow. If your spacing is inconsistent, with some paragraphs bunched up and others spaced out, it can throw off the rhythm of reading. Similarly, line height (the space between each line of text) should be kept comfortable—too little makes your content feel cramped, while too much creates awkward gaps. A good rule of thumb is to set your line height to about 1.5 or 1.6 times the font size to maintain readability.

Finally, visual alignment plays a significant role. Any images, buttons, or design elements should follow the same alignment rules. Whether you’re using left, center, or right alignment, stick to it throughout to avoid a layout that feels disorganized or cluttered.

To make sure your blog always looks cohesive, it’s a great idea to create a simple style guide for your website. This can outline your chosen fonts, sizes, colours, and spacing rules so that you (or anyone else writing for your blog) can maintain consistency. Most WordPress themes even let you set global styles, automating much of this process and ensuring every post follows the same design principles.

Maintaining this kind of consistency might seem like a small detail, but it has a big impact on the overall look and feel of your blog. Your readers will appreciate the professionalism and clarity that comes with a well-organized and visually appealing post.

Structure is Key

Whether you’re writing for SEO or readability, structuring your content with proper heading tags and clean formatting is essential. By using H2 and H3 tags thoughtfully, avoiding multiple H1s, and keeping your paragraphs and alignment reader-friendly, you’ll ensure that your blog posts look professional and rank better in search results.

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